Meadowcreek Village National Night Out Tuesday October 3, 2023

An IMPORTANT MESSAGE from our long time Meadowcreek Village Friend and Neighbor Ms. Beverly Parrish who looks out for all of us in so many ways:

“I know we all work hard, it’s hot, etc, etc, etc…but Tuesday, Oct 3rd 2023, is NATIONAL NIGHT OUT at the Meadowcreek Park Pavillion from 6 to 8 pm, hosted by the Meadowcreek Village Civic Club, and Meadowcreek Park.
Every year folks tell me how sorry they are that they missed it! It really is a great time..but most of all…if you don’t come out and meet your neighbors and make friends you are missing 90% of the pleasure of living in Meadowcreek Village. You might as well have lived somewhere else! Creekers are the best, friendliest, most helpful, most fun people! No…they aren’t perfect…but they’re so close you will never notice…lol! COME OUT TUESDAY NIGHT OCTOBER 3, 2023…FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY’S SAKE!”
Meet many of your local FIRST RESPONDERS and learn how to keep you and your family safe! Also, please THANK THE FIRST RESPONDERS for all they do everyday to keep Meadowcreek Village one of the best places to live in Houston, Texas!
There will be FOOD, FUN, and lot’s of great information.
PLUS….Join your Meadowcreek Village Civic Club and receive 2 Raffle Chances to win a BEAUTIFUL 4k 50″ BIG SCREEN TV!