Signs Point To BIG News For Our Great Neighborhood!

A word from our Meadowcreek Civic Club President Roseanne Garcia-Peters: Hello Neighbors! I hope some of you have noticed the new and AWESOME entrance sign on Allendale @ Old Galveston! This project was a collaborative effort of several parties to make this come to fruition. Let’s extend our thanks and appreciation to them! First of … Read more

Meadowcreek Civic Club Meeting August 10, 2023 6:30 PM

  Attention Meadowcreek Village! There will be a Meadowcreek Village Civic Club Meeting on Thursday August 10, 2023 – 6:30pm at the Meadowcreek Park Building.   EVERYONE IS INVITED!  ALL NEIGHBORHOOD RESIDENTS ARE WELCOME. There will be INFORMATIVE GUEST SPEAKERS, DOOR PRIZES, and IMPORTANT NEIGHBORHOOD INFO. This will be a BIG MEETING! Many of our Meadowcreek … Read more

Meadowcreek Newsletter is NOW ONLINE!

Here is the link to The Little Yellow Flyer – also known as the Neighborhood Newsletter. It was mailed to all of the homes in Meadowcreek Village.  In case you did not receive it at your home, it is now online for everybody to access in English and Spanish! Everyone in the neighborhood should have … Read more

Meadowcreek Civic Club Meeting June 29, 2023 6:30 PM (Rescheduled from June 8th due to bad weather)

Attention Meadowcreek Village! There will be a Meadowcreek Village Civic Club Meeting on Thursday June 29, 2023 – 6:30pm at the Meadowcreek Park Building. (Rescheduled from June 8, 2023 due to bad weather)  EVERYONE IS INVITED!  ALL NEIGHBORHOOD RESIDENTS ARE WELCOME. There will be INFORMATIVE GUEST SPEAKERS, DOOR PRIZES, and IMPORTANT NEIGHBORHOOD INFO. This will … Read more

City of Houston “No Parking In Yard” Ordinance

The City of Houston has specific laws in place to prohibit residents from parking in / on a residential yard. Meadowcreek Village is on record with the City of Houston supporting the enforcement of this law. Here are some of the reasons for this “No Parking In Yard” ordinance: It reduces the property value of … Read more
