BIG “THANK YOU” to our Meadowcreek Civic Club Beautification Committee, specifically Mark Clemmons for working to get our YARD OF THE MONTH PROGRAM up and running again. During these difficult times, “BEAUTY” and “GOOD NEWS” are important to us all. Another “BIG THANK YOU” to our great Meadowcreek Neighbors for working to keep our neighborhood ONE OF THE BEST in the City of Houston!
The Yard of the Month for September 2020 has been awarded to the front garden at 5134 Cripple Creek Drive. For 27 years, Alfredo and Nora Munoz have lived in Meadowcreek Village. They moved from the “the valley” near the Texas/Mexico border for a business opportunity offered to Alfredo. Nora worked for the Pasadena Independent School District. Now she works from home. They have raised three children. The YOM sign will be in their yard until the end of September. We hope these winners will attend our next MVCC ZOOM meeting for all us to congratulate their efforts. Please be aware of COVID-19 announcements for our County and City Governements.
The beautification committee is looking for the winning front yard for October 2020 starting on 09-01-2020. The deadline for nominations is the fourth Friday of September (09-25-2020) for October 2020 YOM. Please use the email address below.
The Beautification Committee welcomes any Meadowcreek Village Civic Club member to join the efforts of this committee, simply email: . The MVCC Beautification Committee currently has 5 on-going projects that need volunteer help and financial support. The contruction and maintenance of entry signs are the greatest need. Thank you!!