September 2018 Yard of the Month

Albert and Eva Lambert’s yard is the winner of the Yard of the Month
for September 2018. She says that Centerpoint retiree, Albert
Lambert, makes the most effort to keep their yard beautiful. They have lived
at 5547 Whispering Creek Way in Section 10 since 1994. They have an
amazing plant variety. The YOM sign will be in their yard until the end of
September. We hope they and others will be at a MVCC meeting (October
11 th ) for all us to congratulate their efforts.

The beautification committee is looking for the winning front yard for
2018 starting on 09-01-2018. The deadline for nominations is the last
Friday of September for October 2018 YOM (09-28-2018). Use the email
address below. The Beautification Committee welcomes any Meadowcreek Village Civic
Club member to join the efforts of this committee, simply email: or . The MVCC Beautification
Committee currently has 5 on-going projects that need volunteer help and
financial support.
