November 2018 Yard of the Month

The Meadowcreek Village Civic Club Recognizes the November 2018 Yard of the Month!

The owners (Judy and Terry Edge and Bill Portice) of 5323 Laurel Creek Drive moved in to their home in 1992. They have raised a child there that is studying computer science and Chinese at Trinity University. Judy Edge retired from Bonner Elementary; Terry Edge retired from Texas Petrochemical; and Bill Portice retired from Kirby Inland Marine (barges and tug boats. They all agree that Bill is the true winner of the Yard of the Month for November 2018. His choice of blue prostrate rosemary for a groundcover and bedding plant is excellent for this time of year.

The lavish use of blooming and berry producing foxtale fern around the crepe myrtle and palm is fine focus on texture. The Meyer lemons will soon be ready for harvest. Please drive by to see the yard itself. The YOM sign will be in the yard until the end of November. We hope Bill, Terry, Judy and others will be at a MVCC meeting (December 13th) for all us to congratulate her efforts.

The beautification committee is looking for the winning front yard for January 2019 starting on 11-01-2018. The deadline for nominations is the last Friday of December (12-28-2018) for January 2019 YOM. Use the email address below. Yes, this means that there will not be a Yard of the Month for December. The Beautification Committee welcomes any Meadowcreek Village Civic Club member to join the efforts of this committee, simply email: or . The MVCC Beautification Committee currently has 5 on-going projects that need volunteer help and financial support.
