It’s good to start the New Year off right with a few GOALS to improve. The Meadowcreek Civic Club has listed our TOP 10 GOALS for our neighborhood to start the New Year Off Right. We are looking for everyone’s help to make Meadowcreek Village an even better place to live.
- JOIN THE MEADOWCREEK VILLAGE CIVIC CLUB! Get Involved in your neighborhood!! It’s easy to join!
- Be a GOOD NEIGHBOR! Go out, meet your neighbors, and work with them to help make Meadowcreek a friendly place to live.
- Let’s KEEP MEADOWCREEK VILLAGE CLEAN in 2020!!! Pick up any loose trash from your yard, and remember to PUT YOUR TRASH CANS and HEAVY TRASH OUT ONLY WHEN ITS TIME TO DO SO!
- Keep watch for any SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY, and DO NOT HESITATE to report it to the Houston Police Department.
- EVERYONE CAN BE INVOLVED to help keep Meadowcreek looking great! Whether you rent or own your home, let’s all keep our houses and yards looking nice and neat.
- Be a GREAT PET OWNER. Take special care of your pets. Remember they depend on you for their care. Keep them safe and secure. Loose pets are never a good idea. It may seem to be a nice thing to let them run free, but terrible things could happen to them as a result.
- PLAY BY THE RULES! Rules keep things orderly and nice for everyone that is involved. Meadowcreek Village is no different. Your neighborhood has rules called DEED RESTRICTIONS. Please look on this website and become familiar with the neighborhood rules. It will help everyone enjoy our community even MORE!
- SPEAK UP and PARTICIPATE in 2020. You may not be a member of the Meadowcreek Village Civic Club, but you can always attend the meetings and help us make Meadowcreek an even better place to live. Don’t be afraid! We are all very friendly and welcome you into our meetings. We are so thrilled to have new people attending the meetings every day! Come on out and meet your neighbors!!
- BERRY BAYOU is OUR FRIEND. TREAT OUR FRIEND WITH RESPECT. Berry Bayou helps keep our neighborhood drainage running smoothly. It also has some fascinating wild life that calls the bayou their home. Please do not dump trash, oil, or any other harmful matter into our bayou. Let’s treat our FRIEND (Berry Bayou) with respect and keep the wild life flourishing in our great neighborhood.
- MEADOWCREEK PARK is a great addition to our community. Let’s keep it, nice, safe, and clean. Many neighborhoods have no park for their residents to enjoy. They have to take a car or bus to enjoy outdoor fun. We are so lucky to have our park. Let’s show the City of Houston how much we care about our city park by keeping it nice and clean. Be respectful of Park Staff and other Park Guests when you are there having fun. REMEMBER: We are lucky to have our park!
Let’s all reach out to our neighbors to help us achieve these few simple goals. Be reaching these goals….We all will benefit, our neighborhood will benefit, and our city will benefit!! Let’s have a great start to 2020!!