Message From Our Civic Club President August 2020

Hello, Neighbors!
I hope everyone is doing well these days. I know it has been a tough time for many of us these last few months. But, overall, I think Meadowcreek Village has come together as a strong and caring community! We have learned how to be resourceful and make the best of what we are dealing with under these unique circumstances. I want you to know that the Civic Club is still active and the officers and volunteers are continuing to do the work that is necessary to make it so.
Although we have not been able to have general meetings, the Board members and volunteers have stayed in communication to tend to the issues that have arisen. Again, quarantine has made it challenging to get work done. Many resources that we use have had limited accessibility. We depend on the City of Houston for issues to be resolved and, as most of us are aware of, the City is also operating on limited resources and staffing.
I do want to announce that we are planning to have a General Meeting via Zoom on Thursday, August 20th @ 6:30 pm. So please SAVE THE DATE!  Next week we will send out notification on how to access the meeting. We hope that many can log on and participate. We hope to have representatives from Constable, HPD and other City Departments and elected officials.

If you are not familiar with ZOOM Meetings and would like to attend, we have setup some EASY ZOOM TUTORIALS on our website.



Thank you,

Roseanne Garcia-Peters
