Meadowcreek Civic Club Gift Baskets Raffle May 7th -20th 2021

  Meadowcreek Village Civic Club Community Raffle/Fundraiser • We’ve had a rough year due to pandemic and freeze! We are using this fundraiser to help pay for civic club expenses, including beautification projects and future events for residents (like our holiday party). • Get your tickets today through May 21 at our pop-up events, through … Read more

COVID 19 Vaccination Information

We are concerned that everyone in Meadowcreek Village stays healthy. We are providing this information as a service to all of our neighbors. This information does not replace information provided by your medical professionals, nor does it suggest that you should seek vaccinations or treatment if you are not fully comfortable. We are providing this … Read more

Houston Police Message On New Years Eve Celebratory Gunfire

As New Year’s Eve approaches, the Houston Police Department is launching its Citywide Gunfire Reduction Campaign. This campaign is designed to help reduce incidents of indiscriminate gunfire that have become a deadly New Year’s tradition in our city. The Gunfire Reduction Campaign aims to advise the community that ringing in the New Year with gunfire … Read more
