August 2018 Yard of the Month

The drought over the last couple of years caused systemic damage to many of our older trees. Too many have needed to be removed and some still do need removal. Highway  construction worker, Mr. Salgado at 2135 Lamina Lane in Section 3 is very proud of his wife’s special and creative gardening. She has given him a garden of “knockout” roses in the place of the tree they lost to the drought. Their yard is the winner of the Yard of the Month for August 2018. The YOM sign will be in their yard until the end of August. Go by and see this yard, because it has many features (Italian cypress, foxtail ferns, hanging topiaries, gardenia and more). It is a small yard. They have been Meadowcreek Village residents for over 9 years. We hope they and others will be at a MVCC meeting (August 9 th ) for all us to congratulate their efforts.

The beautification committee is looking for the winning front yard for September 2018 starting on 08-01-2018. The deadline for nominations is the last Friday of August for September 2018 YOM (08-31-2018). The Beautification Committee welcomes any Meadowcreek Village Civic Club member to join the efforts of this committee, simply email: or . The MVCC Beautification Committee currently has 5 on-going projects that need volunteer help and financial support.
