April 2018 Yard of the Month

The Meadowcreek Village Civic Club Recognizes the April 2018 Yard of the Month.

The simple, beautiful landscape design at 5414 Timber Creek Drive matches the simple design of the residence in Section 1.  The winner receives a Yard of the Month sign of recognition for one month. Fireman Pedro and wife Daisy Hinojosa and children will be at next week’s MVCC meeting for all to meet and to congratulate their efforts.

The beautification committee is looking for the winning front yard for May 2018 starting on 04-01-2018. The Beautification Committee welcomes any Meadowcreek Village Civic Club member to join the efforts of this committee, simply email:  beautification@meadowcreekvillage.org or m.clemmons@meadowcreekvillage.org .  The MVCC Beautification Committee currently has 5 on-going projects that need volunteer help and financial support.
