January 2019 Yard of the Month

The Meadowcreek Village Civic Club Recognizes the January 2019 Yard of the Month!

Thanks to Mark Clemmons, chair of our Beautification Committee, for the following:

Chuck and Mary Mitchell of 5443 Cherry Creek Drive have lived in Meadowcreek Village for 54 years. First they lived in a house on Winding Creek Way from 1965-1967. Later they moved into this house with the well-kept yard. They haveĀ raised five children in this house: Jeanne, Kenneth, Terrence, Jeffery, and Scott. That eventually meant that they became proud grandparents of Charles, Christopher, Elizabeth, Kathryn, Laura, Lillian, Matthew, and Tyler. The Mitchell extended family lives in various towns in the United States Mary Mitchell, Mom, worked ten years (1974-1984) for Brown and Root until the company closed. Chuck worked at Johnson Space Center, as a contractor, from 1965 until he retired in February 2000, supervising engineers. This yard has succeeds as garden in the shadows. Please drive by to see the yard itself, which exhibits how to have a yard that flourishes under the wonderful well pruned majestic oaks.

The YOM sign will be in the yard until the end of January. We hope Chuck and Mary and others will be at a MVCC meeting (February 14th) for all us to congratulate her efforts.

The beautification committee is looking for the winning front yard for February 2019 starting on 01-01-2019. The deadline for nominations is the last Friday of January (01-25-2019) for February 2019 YOM. Use the email address below.

The Beautification Committee welcomes any Meadowcreek Village Civic Club member to join the efforts of this committee, simply email: beautification@meadowcreekvillage.org or m.clemmons@meadowcreekvillage.org . The MVCC Beautification Committee currently has 5 on-going projects that need volunteer help and financial support.

