Attention Meadowcreek Village! There will be a Meadowcreek Village Civic Club Holiday Meeting on Thursday February 13, 2025 – 6:30pm at the Meadowcreek Park Building.   EVERYONE IS INVITED!  ALL NEIGHBORHOOD RESIDENTS ARE WELCOME. There will be INFORMATIVE GUEST SPEAKERS, DOOR PRIZES, and IMPORTANT NEIGHBORHOOD INFO. NOW is your chance to meet with City, County, State, and Federal Representatives to express your concerns. Not many neighborhoods are able to gather such important officials all together at one time. You DO NOT HAVE TO BE A MEMBER TO ATTEND!

FUN SNACKS WILL BE INCLUDED WITH THIS FESTIVE and EXCITING MEETING. We are looking forward to seeing all of our Meadowcreek neighbors there!!

If you are familiar with QR Codes, use your cell phone to click the QR Code above to join the Meadowcreek Civic Club.

Click this link for info on how to join the Meadowcreek Civic Club.
